February 06, 2018 | 5 min read
Employers: How To Make A Job Offer Stand Out


Today, employers are facing a new set of challenges. With factors such as the skills shortage and evolving business priorities making it more difficult to identify and attract the right talent, employers must change the way they approach the hiring process. Whether this means hiring for potential or placing a greater emphasis on company branding, those who do not adapt to this evolving job market risk falling behind their competitors.

Consider this finding for further proof: 87% of professionals we surveyed for our 2020 Hiring Outlook would leave their current jobs for greater stability and job security. With more professionals on the lookout, employers need to be addressing their needs during the hiring process. 

So, how can employers appeal to prospective hires in this market? While a strong job offer is key, there are a lot of steps one must first take to effectively “close the deal” with a top candidate. Here’s how to ensure your company sets the stage for a successful offer acceptance:

Prior to the offer

Introduce them to the company culture: Today, a company’s culture (or lack thereof) can make or break a candidate’s decision to accept an offer. As a result, it’s critical to give prospective hires an authentic, well-rounded view of what it’s like to work for the organization.

Emphasize opportunities for professional development: Rather than climbing the career ladder with one employer, today’s professionals are focused on identifying opportunities that allow for continuous skills development. Appeal to this demand by discussing what your company offers (i.e. mentorship programs, leadership development, training classes, etc.) in regards to professional development throughout the hiring process.

The offer stage

Make faster decisions: When job seekers are interviewing with multiple companies, taking too long to extend a job offer can lead a top candidate to accept an offer with another company. To shorten your hiring process, try: reducing the number of interview rounds, having candidates meet with multiple parties in one day, and introducing top applicants to the team they would be joining earlier on.

Offer competitive salaries/pay rates: Once it’s time to extend a job offer, understanding what quantifies a competitive salary or pay rate is key. There are a variety of resources that job seekers can leverage in today’s market to determine their value, and they won’t hesitate to look elsewhere if the employer doesn’t pull through.

[eBook] Hiring Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Ignore: How To Win The War For Talent In Today’s Market

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