September 13, 2019 | 5 min read
How to Answer, “What Is Your Biggest Weakness?” During An Interview


During the interview process, you’ll go through many different questions that you’ll need to be prepared for. Some of these questions should be easy and straightforward to answer. However, there are a few questions during the interview process that can be a struggle.

For example, “What’s your biggest weakness?” is a popular question an employer may ask, but it can be a tricky question to answer. You want to be able to answer this question while also showcasing that you are a good candidate for the role. Since this question can be difficult to answer on the spot, you’ll want to be especially prepared, as it can be harder to answer right on the spot. If you plan accordingly, your answer could even make you stand out among the competition!

Here are three tips on how to answer, “What is your biggest weakness?” during an interview:

Be authentic

When answering, “What is your biggest weakness?” you’ll need to be authentic with your answer. If you say that you are too much of a perfectionist or that you work too hard, for example, the hiring manager might see right through you and think you are being ingenuine. One of the reasons hiring managers ask this question is to see if you’d be a good fit for the role and organization. If you don’t answer this question honestly, or without much thought, it will be hard for the hiring manager to determine if you would excel in the position. Instead, try to think of a true and thoughtful weakness you may have that you can share with the hiring manager.

Choose your weakness wisely

Although you’ll want to choose an honest weakness, think carefully about the weakness you want to choose. Most importantly, you’ll want to choose a weakness that is not a core skill that is essential to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are interviewing for an accounting role, you should not mention that your weakness is that you are bad with numbers. Instead, focus on a weakness that is related to the job at hand, but isn’t a core element of the role. Another good way to go about choosing your weakness is to pick a hard, technical skill. These types of skills can be taught if given the right amount of time compared to a soft skill, which can be much harder to change over time.

Showcase how you improved

When you do answer this question, you’ll want to do more than simply state your weakness. Most hiring managers ask this question to see if you are proactive and can overcome challenges. Explaining what you’ve done to improve your weakness will showcase to the hiring manager that you are committed to growing in your career and you are willing to work hard. You’ll want to start out by sharing your weakness and the impact it might have had in your career. You’ll then want to elaborate on the steps you’ve taken to improve and then showcase where you currently are in this process. This structure will allow you to frame your weakness in a positive light that can leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Interviewing and looking for other questions to prepare for? Here are eight questions you’ll want to prepare for to ace your interview.

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